Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - How to Get the Church Pick (2024)

The Church Pick is one of the coolest-looking weapons you can get in Bloodborne: The Old Hunters. It’s found in one of the cells in the underground area after killing Ludwig. However, you’ll need to acquire the Underground Cell Key in order to open the cell doors. To do this, you must first have raised the stairs in the Research Hall.

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From the Research Hall lamp, turn right and take the elevator from Adeline’s room. Kill the church guard outside the room, leap off the platform and onto the platform, and then take the stairs up. Follow the path and enter a small room where you’ll see a body lying near the edge. Be careful as there will be an Enlarged Head waiting for you in the room. Examine the corpse for the Underground Cell Key.

Make your way to the Underground Corpse Pile and head up to the cells. There is a hunter hiding behind one of the doors you can open. Kill him to obtain the Church Pick.

One of the old trick weapons of the Healing Church, a hunting weapon formed from one of the giant picks that appear in old beast tales.

The Church Pick initially serves as a large sword, but when transformed functions as an extended war pick. In spite of its origins, it is a highly practical weapon.

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Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - How to Get the Church Pick (2024)
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