Boss Difficulty and Game Difficulty? (2024)

12 hours ago, BeeTamer said:

Thanks for the info; I saw a video of one guy do the Alpha Manticore fight solo on official with 17 rexes and 1 Yutyrannus. 25k health on rexes with 350% melee and journeyman saddles.

That kinda astounded me because I'm raising an army of 19 rexes (yuty included) only 20k health but 600-700% melee and all with ascendant saddles. All things considered, I'm expecting to annihilate this alpha manticore

You're on the right path. For boss fights you want to prioritize damage over health points, for three basic reasons.

1) Some of the boss fights (like the Dragon on The Island) do percentage damage rather than just straight numbers, which means that having more hit points doesn't help at all. When a boss is doing percentage damage a rex with 25k health will die just as fast as a rex with 20k health, the extra hit points don't do anything for you.

2) If you're using a daeodon for healing during boss fights (and IMO they should be used for almost every boss fight) the daeodons will run out of food more quickly if they're healing animals with more hit points that are taking percentage damage. It's easier to heal a 20k rex that just took 10% damage than to heal a 25k rex that just took 10% damage.

3) Doing more damage means the fights end faster. The longer the fight goes on, the more chances there are for things to go wrong, every round of bosses spawning adds, taking off and flying around, or doing whatever tricks they're capable of doing, is just one more opportunity for a player to make a mistake and get themselves killed. I would rather take in rexes with 20k HP and maybe lose 1 or 2 of them during the fight than take in rexes with 25k HP and have the fight go longer which increases the odds of failure.

Obviously your boss animals have to have a certain minimum of health, you wouldn't want to do a boss fight with rexes that have only 5k HP, but I would rather do a fight with your 600-700% melee rexes than with that other guy's 350% rexes.

On a separate note - I suggest considering therizino's rather than rexes.

* Theris are much more agile than rexes, meaning they're less likely to get stuck on terrain or stuck on each other

* Theri's are smaller and easier for you to maneuver around, so you're also less likely to get stuck, trapped by your own tames (they also take up less space in your base when you're breeding them than rexes do)

* Theri's can do some self-healing if you put veggie cakes on them which rexes can't use, so theris have a better chance of surviving if they miss out on some group healing during the fight.

* Theri's take reduced damage from fire, which helps them survive better against the dragon (and probably a couple of other fights that I can't think of at the moment).

There are other animals that you might want to use for specific fights, like you might prefer megatheria for fighting the spider boss. But any fight that you would normally use rexes for, it's better to use theri's instead.

Personally, I think they are superior to rexes for any use in the game. The only downside to theri's, and for some people this is a big deal, is that it's harder to find good ones to build up your bloodline. Rexes are available in more locations on more maps so it's easier to tame a bunch of them and try to keep only the good ones, whereas it takes more work in the beginning to find good theris to do your breeding. Then again, it's a lot easier to feed theris once you begin the breeding process. It takes less work and less time to keep troughs full of berries than to keep them full of meat, so you can make up that time on the back end during the breeding process.

Boss Difficulty and Game Difficulty? (2024)
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