Can i get rid of oil? (2024)

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    3. Can i get rid of oil?

    Yasu25 3 years ago#1

    Like in topic. Can i get rid of oil? I have 20k of it when max is 3500 which block me from taking any presents from message which included oil and something.

    Trevorkkho 3 years ago#2

    use them to buy dorm food(5% xp bonus ones)

    Sell by date is NOT the expiration date. It is a warranty date if the product is in its undamaged original packaging.

    tjoeb123 3 years ago#3

    Start that big commission that takes like 1200 Oil and immediately cancel it. Rinse and repeat. Though I wouldn't empty ALL of your oil....

    Alisa is best Trails girl.

    TheBest69 3 years ago#4

    tjoeb123 posted...

    Start that big commission that takes like 1200 Oil and immediately cancel it.

    That would just be a big massive waste for nothing. If you want to waste it, at least let the commission run. Put ships in you want to level up (up to 18k exp for those). Even early on those commissions should be completed. Or stock up on dorm food. It's useful. Other ways to get rid of oil is to sortie and maybe do some grinds in the foxmines for example.

    Anazeldee 3 years ago#5

    Give me instead :3

    tjoeb123 3 years ago#6

    TheBest69 posted...

    That would just be a big massive waste for nothing. If you want to waste it, at least let the commission run. Put ships in you want to level up (up to 18k exp for those). Even early on those commissions should be completed. Or stock up on dorm food. It's useful. Other ways to get rid of oil is to sortie and maybe do some grinds in the foxmines for example.

    That's why I said I wouldn't completely drain oil as that is required to play the game. But if it's preventing him from accepting items from mail, it's a fast way to do it, even if not necessarily recommended in the long run.

    Alisa is best Trails girl.

    TheBest69 3 years ago#7

    tjoeb123 posted...

    But if it's preventing him from accepting items from mail, it's a fast way to do it, even if not necessarily recommended in the long run.

    That's actually funny. So wasting oil to accept... more oil? I know mails can have more than just oil but I chuckled anyways there. Also, you save your mails for harsher times. I never redeem them unless it's just a tiny amount like just recently with 500 coin and oil.

    Raverbasher 3 years ago#8

    use it on dorm food.

    do some grinding with expensive ships and subs

    Our greatest glory is not in never trolling; but in rising every time we troll - Confucius, 0 AD.

    Squidkids 3 years ago#9

    use it on dorm food
    farm prs
    do the 1200 commission twice a day
    note that you do not need to accept letters right away
    this is what i have in my mail box, i dont withdraw till i really need it so i can get daily income from being under cap

    Be a team player, guard those super jump rings. See a team member inking a wall to swim up on? ink with them. Ink your foes into ash.

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    3. Can i get rid of oil?
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    Can i get rid of oil? (2024)
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