Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (2024)


Hi there! Thanks to Paradox interactive I have been playing the latest city builder Cities Skylines for the last few days. Cities Skylines is an interesting game that is pretty accessible compared to some of its competitors. However there are a few things that might not be immediately clear or that can even allow you city to perish in a few minutes.

Obviously this guide is a work in progress but I hope it will allow you to avoid some of the mistakes I made! The chapters in this guide appear in the order they are presented in-game.


Just like in the famous SimCity series you will need to designate land for your citizens to construct housing on. In Cities Skylines zoning is completely free but the roads are very expensive! So do not go crazy on laying roads. Make sure you take care of your essential first.

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (2)

Recommendation: Zoning can only be achieved on the white squares that appear next to roads, but do not build too many roads at first. All roads have a maximum range of 4 squares. You can readmore about Residential zones here:Cities Skylines Guide – How residential zones work.

Power and Wind

At the start of the game you can choose between a Wind Turbine and a Coal Power Plant.

Recommendation: The Coal Power plant is too expensive at the start of the game (19.000 vs 6.000) so really the Wind Turbine is your only option!Want to know more about different power options in Cities Skylines? Checkout this guide:Cities Skylines Guide – Electricity and the best power plants!

Wind levels

Wind Turbines require Wind in order to generate electricity. Therefore the output in MW is not fixed like in a coal power plant. Instead the efficiency is determined by the wind map resulting in 1-8 MW of power produced.

The Wind Turbine on the bottom right is only producing 4 MW. I should have placed it in the darker zone where it would yield 7 MW. Luckily you can relocate buildings!

Recommendation: Try to position Wind Turbines in the dark blue zones

Windmills and noise pollution: Plan ahead

In Cities Skylines some buildings and traffic generate noise pollution. Noise pollution will lower health and happiness of your citizens. Therefore you need to plan ahead.

Recommendation: At 6+ MW a Wind Turbine it is more cost efficient than a coal power plant, so use them when you can!

Power lines

Power lines can be a bit confusing at first. Basically all buildings emit a blue power zone. Buildings close to each other will create a single zone. Power lines will need to be constructed to connect different zones together. Let’s take a look:

In this example the power line is not correctly placed for two reasons:

  • The yellow sign shows it is not connected to a zone (meaning you have to place it INSIDE the other blue zone)
  • The power line is not needed because the houses already joined the same power zone as the wind turbine

Instead power lines should be constructed like this:

Connected PowerlinePower grid example

Recommendation: Always create multiple links between important zones. Constructing roads can automatically demolish power lines. If you forget the connection to your water pumps your entire city could be left without water.

Water and Sewage

When you construct your first Water pipe you will notice it has two lanes. Like in any city builder water pipes are used to supply fresh water to your citizens. This means you must connect them to a Water Tower or Water Pumping station.

Now here is something new: The other lane is used to transport sewage. Although you might not like it you will have to dump your waste into the nearest river!

Water pump placement and Water pollution

Keep in mind that using a Water Drain Pipe or Water Treatment Plant pollutes the river water. Rivers always move into one direction (downstream). Therefore you must make sure your water pumps are located upstream relative to the sewer system. If you fail to do that your citizens will become ill.

Water Tower

At €3500 with €240 upkeep it produces 60.000 m3 of fresh water. Therefore it will cost about €4 per 1K of water. It does not need a road connection and it can be built pretty much anywhere

Water Pumping Station

At €2500 with €240 upkeep this building produces 120.000 of fresh water. Therefore it will cost about €2 per 1k, making it twice as efficient as the water tower. It is also cheaper to construct. The only downside is that it needs to be constructed on a river bed.

Water Drain Pipe

Costs €2500 with an upkeep of €320. It can drain 120.000 m3 sewage and uses 240 KW.

Water Treatment Plant

Costs €15000 with an upkeep of €640. Can drain 160.000 m3 sewage and uses 480 KW. This building reduces water pollution by 85%.

Recommendation: Skip the water tower and only use pumping stations. Also make sure you plan your sewage drain pipes properly. Meaning you should reserve fresh water space for at least 5-6 pumping stations.

Garbage disposal: Failing is game over

In Cities Skylines buildings produce garbage that needs to be disposed of. Garbage trucks pass each individual building to collect garbage. After a few buildings they are full and will return to their landfill or incinerator. Due to this mechanic Garbage disposal is a strain on road network and trucks can be delayed by traffic. Garbage collection will be unlocked at 500 inhabitants.

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (10)

A garbage truck is collecting trash. The brighter blue the building the lower the amount of accumulated garbage.

When garbage fails things go to sh*t.

The first thing you should realize is that when you properly fail garbage handling you will encounter a catastrophic failure and everyone will leave your city in a very short timeframe. This will quickly result into losses because you have zero income. After a few weeks you can actually go bankrupt.

In this screenshot all buildings marked red will soon abandon. They already stopped paying taxes reducing the in-game balance from +€10.000 to +€445. Ouch!

Recommendation: Do not force 75 garbage trucks over one direction road layout. Be aware of the impact on your roads!


At 500 inhabitants the landfill will unlock as the first garbage disposal option. This building will send out up to 15 trucks to gather garbage. This will only be sufficient for very small cities so expect to construct multiple landfills so you have enough trucks to drive across town.

This “busy town” of 6722 inhabitants required 5 landfills.

Keep in mind that a landfill can only be relocated once completely empty. The building comes with a button to accomplish this. However this will unleash the full force of its 15 trucks. An easy mistake to make here is forgetting to create a turning point. Without it trucks will move from A to B and then have to cross all the way over town to return to the first landfill.

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (13)

Recommendation: Reserve space for at least 3 landfills and realize they can only be moved when empty.


At 7500 inhabitants (Big Town) you will unlock the Incineration plant. This building has a few advantages of over the traditional landfill

  • It actually burns garbage instead of storing it
  • It can spawn up to27 garbage trucks instead of just 15
  • It can provide 12MW of power (almost 2x a windmill)
  • You can empty landfills into incinerators

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (14)

If you check the garbage overlay you can try to balance the number of incinerators required.

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (15)

Recommendation: The larger your city gets the more troublesome landfills become. They simply take up too much space. Switch to Incinerators when you can afford to. They use less space and provide more trucks.

Health care: don’t go big

When citizens become ill they require health care. To receive health care they must be picked up by an ambulance and brought the nearest facility. Because ambulances use the roads they suffer from traffic congestion. This also means that one way roads can severely limit the efficiency of your facilities.

Medical clinic

For $10.000 with $ 400 upkeep it can send out 8 ambulances and “store” up to 100 patients. Meaning it will cost you €50 per ambulance or €4 per bed. The range is about a single tile (2km x 2km). A single medical clinic should be enough up to 11.000 citizens.


For 65.000 with 2400 upkeep this bad boy can send out 25 ambulances and handle up to 500 patients. Therefore it will cost you €96 per ambulance or €4.8 per bed. The range is about twice that of the medical clinic (about 1.5-2 tiles). Although it looks cool a combination of 4 local medical clinics is usually far more efficient in terms of costs, range and response time.

Recommendation: Health care is not something you have to worry about much in my experience. A single medical clinic will provide plenty of coverage. When your city grows you can consider upgrading to a hospital because it will save some space.

Death care

Now here is something new! Eventually citizens will die and they need to be ‘dealt with’. Just like ambulances drive across town in an attempt to save people the Hearse will collect the dead and bring the citizen to their final resting place. It will take 2 days to “load” a dead citizen.

Death care is a big deal in Cities Skylines. When you experienced a period of large growth followed by stagnation large parts of your population reach their maximum lifespan at the same time. Therefore all over your city people will die and each death requires a Hearse. I am currently using 8 crematoriums and 2 cemeteries on 40.000 citizens.


For €3000 and €160 upkeep this building can store 3000 ‘patients’ and send out 10 hearses. Keep in mind that it can only be relocated once completely empty. There is an option to empty the cemetery into another cemetery. So basically it has the same functionality as the landfill (no disrespect intended, it is how the game works).


For €25.000 and €720 upkeep your citizens can be cremated. This building can store up to 105 deceased but will also process them. It can send out only 7 hearses.

Recommendation: So far it looks like not everyone likes to be cremated so you will always need a cemetery. Spread your crematoriums across the city to avoid traffic congestion caused by hearses. Do not forget that people can also die while working or shopping. So also cover commercial and industrial zones!

Practice using the Asset editor!

In City Skylines you can freely build complicated intersections because roads can be placed completely 3d including different height levels. Unfortunately roads are also extremely expensive. Demolishing a road when the game is paused will only result in a partial refund (75%). Therefore I recommend you save yourself time and start using the Asset Editor. Do not worry it is extremely simple!

Step 1: Launch the Asset editor

To launch he Cities Sklyines Asset editor go to Tools> Asset Editer> Temperate> New .

Step 2:

Once inside the Asset editor can construct roads like you would in-game:

Step 3: Save your asset.

When you are finished designing your “crazy” intersection you should go to the asset editor options and take a snapshot. After that press escape and save the asset!Do not forget to enter a filename, Asset name and description or you will see error warnings when you load your next game.


Got questions or other remarks? Feel free to post in the comments below. It is possible that future chapters will be added.

Cities Skylines Guide - Beginner tips and tricks guide - GameplayInside (2024)


What should I do first in Cities Skylines? ›

You're going to want to begin with the cheapest sources, which are water towers and windmills. Here are some tips: You can place Water Towers anywhere, but it's best to keep them close to where the power lines come into the city, so they have immediate access to power.

What is the best map to start on in Cities Skylines? ›

Among the maps of Green Cities DLC, Garden Rivers offers the most buildable land at 80%, and is also perhaps the best starting map across the entire game.

How do you stay profitable in Cities Skylines? ›

Cities: Skylines – How To Make Money
  1. Saving Makes Money. ...
  2. Keep Tabs On Milestones. ...
  3. Taxes Are The Lifeblood Of The City. ...
  4. Start With Low Service Budgets. ...
  5. Get Practical With Service Buildings. ...
  6. Keep Things Simple. ...
  7. Stay Away From Bridges, Tunnels For Now. ...
  8. Avoid Importing, Exporting As Much As Possible.
14 Aug 2022

What city has the best skylines? ›

The most beautiful skylines in the world
  • New York, United States.
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • San Francisco, United States.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Singapore.
  • Shanghai, China.
  • Bangkok, Thailand.

What is the end goal of Cities: Skylines? ›

The developer's goal was to create a game engine capable of simulating the daily routines of nearly a million unique citizens, while presenting this to the player in a simple way, allowing the player to easily understand various problems in their city's design.

Why do I keep losing money in Cities: Skylines? ›

If you have a large segment of citizens all getting sick at once your income tanks. If all commercial buildings are unable to find enough workers because you destroyed a road to your commercial district, your income will tank even if the buildings themselves are still standing.

How do I get unlimited money in Cities: Skylines? ›

Open up the game's main menu. Click on Content Manager. Click on Mods from the options on the left side. Now, you can select the Unlimited money option after which your money will never run out.

What is the flattest map in Cities: Skylines? ›

#3: Eden Valley (Green Cities)

Potentially the single flattest map in the entire game, Eden Valley is a veritable playground for anyone wanting a clean slate to build their city on - with immense potential for expansion too.

What is the biggest map in city skylines? ›

The possible playable area is 5 x 5 tiles, or 1200 x 1200 cells, or 9600 x 9600 meters, or 9.6 x 9.6 km. The possible play area of the map is 92.16 km2. Claiming all 9 tiles in a 3 x 3 area, or 720 x 720 cells, or 5760 x 5760 meters, or 5.76 x 5.76 km.

What does left hand traffic mean in cities skylines? ›

Originally posted by rmjohnson144: It's for European users. Europe, as a lot of other countries, drive on the left hand side of the road. Their cars steer from the right side of the car instead of the left as well.

What happens if taxes are too high cities skylines? ›

Higher taxes increase the weekly income but have a negative effect on demand. Residents and businesses start to protest if taxes are raised above 13/14% for too long, but a short tax hike is a good way of earning some quick cash if you don't want to take out another loan.

How do you increase land value in cities skylines? ›

Land value can be increased by providing citizens all services including education, fire and police stations, medical and death care, public transportation, and leisure. Parks and plazas are synonymous with land value, and placing them around your city is often an effective way to boost it.

Which city have the most skyscraper? ›

So what city has the most skyscrapers? That honor goes to Hong Kong, which is home to an astonishing 480 skyscrapers.

Who has the most beautiful skyline in the world? ›

1. HONG KONG, CHINA. Hong Kong has rightfully one of the most photographed city skylines in the world.

What is the max population in Cities Skylines? ›

Maximum Theoretical Population At high density and full upgrade status, a single square can support two citizens. That's two jobs or two residences. So the maximum theoretical population is around 105,000? That's if every square was zoned for one of those two things.

How big can cities get in Cities Skylines? ›

Whats the max pop i can get in a normal game? 1 million population IS the vanilla limit, but it is not reachable without mods. You can't have 1 million people in a vanilla 9-tiled city, even using 81 tiles you may reach the road and building limits of 49,000. Oh and, you can't reach above 1 million, as it is the limit.

How many plots of land can you buy in Cities Skylines? ›

With the unmodified game, you can purchase 8 plots aside from the one you start with for a total of 9. With a mod, you can play with a total of 25 squares (the entire 5x5 board). You can unlock 9 default, but there's a mod that unlocks ALL buyable spaces (25).

Why is everyone getting sick cities skylines? ›

Sick Citizens | Cities: Skylines Tutorial | Ep. 1 - YouTube

Why do buildings get abandoned cities skylines? ›

Buildings are abandoned as a result of failures of services and infrastructure. Causes of abandonment include flooding, a build up of garbage, sewage or corpses. A lack of water, electricity or a build up of crime can also drive people away.

How do I make citizens not sick cities skylines? ›

You need to make sure your residential zones aren't overlapping with polluted grounds, as this can cause your citizens to get sick. The higher your pollution accumulation is, the faster your citizens in City: Skylines are going to get sick.

How do you unlock all 25 tiles in Cities: Skylines? ›

How To Unlock All Tiles In Cities Skylines - Quick Tutorial - YouTube

How do you unlock everything in Cities: Skylines? ›

Cities Skylines - How To Get Unlimited Money & Unlock All Buildings

Are there cheats in Cities: Skylines? ›

All you need to do to enable or unlock Cities Skylines cheats is turn them on in the content manager section of the main menu. Instead of inputting them in a cheat box in every new save, the cheats act almost like built-in mods from the developer that can just be turned on and off at will.

How do I make curved roads in cities skylines? ›

To make a curved road, the first left mouse click makes a point which is used as a tangent for curve in the road and the second click will build the road. Freeform – allows for the construction of straight and curved roads.

What do districts do in cities skylines? ›

Districts allow the player to subdivide their city by designating specific areas of the map, allowing for more precise administration. These areas can then be used for the following purposes: Allows the player to name a specific area. Allows the player to apply district styles to a specific area.

What are vanilla maps? ›

For a list of 2010 vanilla maps, see Map/Vanilla/2010. These are maps created or approved by the administrators. These are the only maps to appear in the vanilla game mode and are indicated by a grass terrain icon.

How do you unlock 81 tiles in cities skylines? ›

Cities Skylines 81 Tiles Mod Tutorial - YouTube

How big is cities skylines with all DLC? ›

I would estimate the entire game with DLC to be between 2-3 GB.

How do I make mountains in cities skylines? ›

How to make a mountain in Cities: Skylines [PS4/XBOX] - YouTube

Will there be a city skylines 2? ›

Cities: Skylines 2 could release in late 2022, although it hasn't been officially announced just yet. The next Cities game appeared in the infamous Nvidia GeForce Now leak from last year with a release date of February 15, 2022, although every release date in that list seems out of date.

Can you play Cities: Skylines without DLCs? ›

Yes, it is very much worth it even without any DLCs. The base game is complete and fun. Everyone liked the base game when it came out, and that likeability is still there today. The DLCs add various flavors to the game, but are not needed simply to enjoy the game and have great fun!

Are DLC free in Cities: Skylines? ›

Cities : Skylines + 3 DLCs are FREE to download and own for a limited time!

How do you avoid traffic jams in Cities: Skylines? ›

Since these sorts of tips are always handy - no matter the size of your city - we've added a few more to help you along.
  1. Do You Need A Traffic Mod? ...
  2. Build Logical Roundabouts. ...
  3. Designate Main Roads. ...
  4. Smart Placement of Building Zones. ...
  5. Space Out Intersections. ...
  6. Utilize Public Transportation. ...
  7. Use Your Traffic Flow Heatmap.
1 Dec 2021

What is a priority road in Cities: Skylines? ›

Priority road just adds automatic stop signs to intersections that don't have traffic lights, it doesn't affect traffic behavior otherwise.

Which country drives left? ›

The bulk of countries that drive on the left are former British colonies including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Only four countries in Europe still drive on the left and they are all islands. They consist of the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Malta and Cyprus.

How do you start cities skylines? ›

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines - YouTube

What is the flattest map in cities skylines? ›

#3: Eden Valley (Green Cities)

Potentially the single flattest map in the entire game, Eden Valley is a veritable playground for anyone wanting a clean slate to build their city on - with immense potential for expansion too.

How do I get unlimited money in cities skylines? ›

Open up the game's main menu. Click on Content Manager. Click on Mods from the options on the left side. Now, you can select the Unlimited money option after which your money will never run out.

What does priority road mean in cities skylines? ›

Priority road just adds automatic stop signs to intersections that don't have traffic lights, it doesn't affect traffic behavior otherwise.

How do you curve roads in Cities: Skylines? ›

To make a curved road, the first left mouse click makes a point which is used as a tangent for curve in the road and the second click will build the road. Freeform – allows for the construction of straight and curved roads.

How do I make power in Cities: Skylines? ›

Power lines can be found in the Electricity panel in the City Services. Place power lines within the power grids to connect them. While power lines can be destroyed by lightning strikes, the wind turbine cannot. Also, the wind turbine has a very big power grid around it.

How do you unlock all 25 tiles in Cities: Skylines ps4? ›

How To Unlock All Tiles In Cities Skylines - Quick Tutorial - YouTube

What is the biggest map in city skylines? ›

The possible playable area is 5 x 5 tiles, or 1200 x 1200 cells, or 9600 x 9600 meters, or 9.6 x 9.6 km. The possible play area of the map is 92.16 km2. Claiming all 9 tiles in a 3 x 3 area, or 720 x 720 cells, or 5760 x 5760 meters, or 5.76 x 5.76 km.

What do districts do in cities skylines? ›

Districts allow the player to subdivide their city by designating specific areas of the map, allowing for more precise administration. These areas can then be used for the following purposes: Allows the player to name a specific area. Allows the player to apply district styles to a specific area.

How do you unlock everything in Cities: Skylines? ›

Cities Skylines - How To Get Unlimited Money & Unlock All Buildings

Are there cheats in Cities: Skylines? ›

All you need to do to enable or unlock Cities Skylines cheats is turn them on in the content manager section of the main menu. Instead of inputting them in a cheat box in every new save, the cheats act almost like built-in mods from the developer that can just be turned on and off at will.

Why do I keep losing money in Cities: Skylines? ›

If you have a large segment of citizens all getting sick at once your income tanks. If all commercial buildings are unable to find enough workers because you destroyed a road to your commercial district, your income will tank even if the buildings themselves are still standing.

How do you avoid traffic jams in Cities: Skylines? ›

Since these sorts of tips are always handy - no matter the size of your city - we've added a few more to help you along.
  1. Do You Need A Traffic Mod? ...
  2. Build Logical Roundabouts. ...
  3. Designate Main Roads. ...
  4. Smart Placement of Building Zones. ...
  5. Space Out Intersections. ...
  6. Utilize Public Transportation. ...
  7. Use Your Traffic Flow Heatmap.
1 Dec 2021

How do you get a land bridge in Cities: Skylines? ›

After you have selected the starting point of a new street (the street is displayed now blue), you can raise and lower the street. This creates a bridge or a tunnel. To raise the road, press the page up key, to lower it, press the page down key.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.