Collaborative Communities: Addressing Health Care Challenges Together (2024)

In the medical device ecosystem, collaborative communities bring together stakeholders to achieve common outcomes, solve shared challenges, and leverage collective opportunities. At the FDA, the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) believes collaborative communities can contribute to improvements in areas affecting patients and health care in the United States. Accordingly, participation in collaborative communities was one of CDRH's strategic priorities for 2018-2020.

CDRH encourages interested stakeholders to learn more about collaborative communities and review the toolkit, which provides a collection of helpful ideas to foster strong collaborative communities that are well-prepared to take on health care challenges.

On this page:

  • Collaborative Communities with CDRH Participation
  • What Is a Collaborative Community?
  • Members of a Collaborative Community
  • Considerations for CDRH Participation in a Collaborative Community
  • Collaboration Communities Toolkit
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Contact

Collaborative Communities with CDRH Participation

The FDA currently participates as a member of these collaborative communities, which have been established and are managed and controlled by external stakeholders.

What Is a Collaborative Community?

A collaborative community is a continuing forum in which private- and public-sector members, which can include the FDA, work together on medical device challenges to achieve common objectives and outcomes. They are convened by interested stakeholders and may exist indefinitely, produce deliverables as needed, and tackle challenges with broad impacts. Collaborative communities may develop for a number of reasons, including when:

  • Challenges are ill-defined or there is no consensus on the definition of the challenges
  • Challenges and outcomes are complex
  • Partners are interrelated
  • Incremental or unilateral efforts to address the challenge have been ineffective
  • Partners seek to optimize efforts, including preventing duplication of efforts
  • Better outcomes could be achieved with integrating different perspectives, experiences, resources, and expertise.

For more information: Fostering Collaborative Communities to Improve Patient Healthcare (FDA Voices, December 4, 2018)

Members of a Collaborative Community

Collaborative communities typically include diverse, relevant organizations and individuals impacted by a specific topic. For example, patients and care-partners, academics, health care professionals, payers, federal and state agencies, international regulatory bodies, and industry may be engaged as part of a collaborative community.

Collaborative Communities: Addressing Health Care Challenges Together (1)

Members of a collaborative community may represent many types of medical device stakeholders. The Collaborative Communities Toolkit provides more information on community membership.

Considerations for CDRH Participation in a Collaborative Community

Established collaborative communities may wish to invite CDRH to participate. CDRH's decision to participate as a member is influenced by the public health impact of the community, its alignment with CDRH's regulatory mission, current priorities and resources. CDRH makes participation decisions on a case-by-case basis and may consider whether the community has a governance structure, a convener, a plan to measure success and a mechanism for sustained engagement to help determine whether CDRH will participate.

Collaborative Communities Toolkit

Collaborative Communities: Addressing Health Care Challenges Together (2)

Download a PDF of the toolkit (5 MB)

The Collaborative Communities Toolkit is a collection of materialsthatcouldhelp prospective communities in their development and effective collaboration, so that they are adequately prepared to take on health care challenges.

Each component of this toolkit could help members of both new and existing communities work with one another.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the FDA establish collaborative communities?

A: No. The FDA does not establish, manage, or control collaborative communities. As such, the FDA does not decide the membership, schedule meetings or set agendas, or control the community's operations. Collaborative communities can exist without the FDA's participation.

Q: What roles can FDA staff assume in a collaborative community?

A: An FDA staff member can participate as a member of a collaborative community in a manner similar to that of other members. However, an FDA staff member cannot chair or convene the collaborative community. FDA staff members may participate in workstreams, as well as lend a regulatory perspective to discussions.

Q: Are collaborative communities an alternative to standards, federal advisory committees, or other established regulatory processes?

A: No. Collaborative communities do not replace established regulatory mechanisms. The FDA will follow good guidance practices, ethics, standards,and other existing process for conducting its business. The FDA's participation in collaborative communities must comport with these existing obligations. A collaborative community is not a federal advisory committee. For more information on the FDA's advisory committees, see About Advisory Committees.


If you have questions about collaborative communities, or if you have a collaborative community in which you would like the FDA to participate, email

Collaborative Communities: Addressing Health Care Challenges Together (2024)


What is an example of a collaborative community? ›

For example, patients and care-partners, academics, health care professionals, payers, federal and state agencies, international regulatory bodies, and industry may be engaged as part of a collaborative community. Members of a collaborative community may represent many types of medical device stakeholders.

Why is collaboration important in public health? ›

It allows for conversations that will help to fully understand the issues, perspectives, and approaches that will be necessary to have a major impact on the issue at hand. Another reason collaboration is important is for health equity.

What are examples of collaborative healthcare? ›

To study a new disease or innovate pharmaceutical interventions, professionals from different disciplines may need to come together. For example, the development of a vaccine for children may require input from pediatricians as well as infectious disease specialists.

What is an example of collaborative care? ›

Patient-Centered Team Care

Primary care and behavioral health providers collaborate effectively using shared care plans that incorporate patient goals. The ability to get both physical and mental health care at a familiar location is comfortable to patients and reduces duplicate assessments.

What is collaborative care in healthcare? ›

The Collaborative Care model is a systematic strategy for treating behavioral health conditions in primary care through the integration of care managers and psychiatric consultants.

What is collaborative practice in healthcare? ›

Collaborative practice in health-care occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive services by working with patients, their families, careers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings.

What is the collaborative approach in healthcare? ›

As explained by Johnson & Johnson, interprofessional collaboration in healthcare involves the approach to patient care from a team-based viewpoint, resulting in improved patient outcomes and a better work environment.

What is a collaborative community? ›

Community-based collaboration requires a commitment to share decisionmaking and the allocation of human, physical, and financial resources. When communities do not develop a pattern of collaboration, they diminish community development potential.

What is a simple example of collaboration? ›

Some applicable examples of collaboration in the workplace include brainstorming, group discussions, reaching a consensus about processes or analyzing problems, and finding solutions.

What does community collaboration mean? ›

Community Collaboration means a process by which clients and/or families receiving services, other community members, agencies, organizations, and businesses work together to share information and resources in order to fulfill a shared vision and goals.

What is an example of collaboration in social work? ›

For example, a social worker may work with a nurse, a psychologist, a lawyer, and a community worker to help a refugee family settle in a new country. Interdisciplinary teams can enhance the quality and effectiveness of social work practice by combining different perspectives, skills, and resources.

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