Flamingo has Admin! (2024)

Flamingo has Admin! (1)

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Flamingo has admin are a series of ads that show a depiction of Albert using admin commands.


Before the Flamingo has admin ads, there were some ads made by a group which depicted famous YouTubers "playing their game." Of course, this was just for some place visits.

Flamingo Has Admin Beginnings[]

The Flamingo has admin started with the roleplay prison game, Stateview Prison by rez_b where he played their game and he used admin. However, there are some ads that use the Flamingo has admin, but when he plays them, it doesn't give him any admin. Flamingo has admin ads still happen to this day and sometimes Albert is used without it saying Flamingo has admin. In most videos, even ones that are irrelevant to admin videos, there's at least 5 "FLAMINGO HAS ADMIN" ads that pop up on his screen. He usually ignores them, but if the player/group that made the ad are lucky, he'll notice them and click on them for a video or just for some laughs.

Flamingo has Admin! (2)

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Flamingo has Admin! (2024)


What is the lowest admin rank in Roblox? ›

There are seven default ranks: Non-Admins (0), VIP (1), Mod (2), Admin (3), Head-Admin (4), Owner (5) and Donor.

What is the best admin for Roblox? ›

If you have enough experience, I'd advise you to make your own admin. As it's your code, it'd be easier for you to understand and change in an easier manner. However, if you have no experience, I definitely advise using Kohl's or HD Admin.

How do you get admin permission on Roblox? ›

Administrator badges are given out to people who work for Roblox to make them easily identifiable to the community. Administrators and Moderators are all adults over the age of 18 who work at Roblox as a paying job.

Is linkmon99 a admin? ›

He is well known for being the highest-valued trader of limited items on Roblox (who is not an administrator or alternate account thereof), with the combined Recent Average Price of all his items totaling over 46,000,000 Robux.

What is the rank 0 255 in Roblox? ›

The GetRankInGroup Player function returns the player's rank in the group as an integer between 0 and 255, where 0 is a non-member and 255 is the group's owner. Using this in a Script, as opposed to a LocalScript, will not get you the most up-to-date information.

Is Roblox admin free? ›

The game hosts free admin and gear fighting for all players, which gives it popularity. Free commands can be used with a colon prefix, for example ":fling" or ":jail". Typing ":cmds" will show all of the available commands.

How much admins are in Roblox? ›

List of administrators. As of Mar 19, 2024, there are 1865 known administrators.

How do you give HD admin on Roblox? ›

In the topbar, click VIEW and load up the Explorer and Toolbox. In the Toolbox, navigate to Inventory. This will load up the inventory we added the admin to. Click and drag HD Admin into your place.

Can you get banned for using admin commands in Roblox? ›

No, Byfron only bans you if they detect tampering with the client. The moderator note also says “does not permit users to deploy or discuss any method of cheating”, so maybe your friend was talking about exploits?

How to get Robux for free? ›

Making a Game and Earning Robux One of the most effective ways to earn free Robux is by creating your own Roblox world or game. Each time a player visits your world or downloads your game, you'll earn Robux. Additionally, creating in-game items available for purchase can also generate commissions.

Who is the first Roblox player ever? ›

Admin was the first registered user on Roblox. The user "Admin" joined on June 30, 2004, with the ID of 1.

What was the first Roblox admin? ›

Admin was the first registered user on Roblox. The user "Admin" joined on June 30, 2004, with the ID of 1. Before the public release of Roblox, the Admin account was renamed to Roblox, and the username "Admin" was given to user ID 16 (and then 18) before the account was terminated on October 9, 2006.

What is rank admin? ›

Admin rank is a feature you use when creating roles for role-based administration. Admin rank enables you to create a hierarchy among admins and ensure that policies and settings configured by admins with higher rank cannot be overridden by admins with lower rank.

What is the age rank for Roblox? ›

Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain moderate violence, light realistic blood, moderate crude humor, and/or unplayable gambling content.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.