How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (2024)

There are many reasons to raise alpacas. They make great pets, are wonderful with kids, and can turn a nice profit on the farm. Plus, they are gentle on the landscape and easy to raise.

But, there are a few things you should know before getting your first alpacas.

First, decide your purpose for keeping alpacas. Are they going to be primarily pets or are you hoping to make an income off of them? The answers to these questions will determine the gender, quality, and breeding of your future alpacas.

Set Up For Alpacas: What Alpacas Need

Alpacas need very little to be happy and healthy. They need a small amount of food, minimal shelter, annual shearing, and constant access to water.

How much do alpacas eat? Alpacas eat very little food compared to other animals. 8-10 alpacas will eat about as much as a single horse. A 60 lbs bale of hay will last 10 alpacas for 2 days if that is their main source of food. It will last longer if the alpacas have additional grazing available.

Alpacas prefer the second cut of hay that’s leafier.

How many alpacas can graze on an acre of land? 5-8 alpacas can comfortably graze on an acre of land. If the land is more barren, then you will need to reduce the number of alpacas on the land.

If you have more fertile land, you will be able to easily graze more alpacas. A conservative rule is to average 5 alpacas on each acre of land if you aren’t sure.

Shelter: Alpacas also need shelter from harsh elements. In moderate climates without harsh winters, alpacas will mostly need protection from wind. In nature, alpacas love to have a grove of trees to gather in for protection.

A 3 sided shelter is usually more than enough for their shelter needs. Even in snowy winters and monsoon falls, a 3-sided shelter will provide a place to get out of the rain and snow and keep alpacas happy and healthy.

Alpacas don’t need insulated or heated shelters, even in Alaska.

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (1)

What climate is best for alpacas? Alpacas are very adaptable to nearly any climate, but they may need a little extra care in extreme weather. Both extreme heat and cold can cause concern for alpacas, although alpacas do better in cold weather than in hot weather.

Alpacas were bred in the highlands of Peru and South America so they can handle freezing temperatures. They have adapted to thrive in the cold without a struggle.

But, they do struggle in the heat. So, you will need to shear them at the beginning of every summer to help cool them down during the heat of the summer. If you live in a hotter or southern location, you will need to make sure they have a shady place to cool down.

Water: Alpacas need constant access to water. This is true in both the summer and the cold of winter. Dehydration will cause rapid health issues and possible death in your alpaca heard quickly. Do not neglect to provide water to your alpacas.

  • 5-8 alpacas per acre of grazing
  • 1 bale of hay feeds 2 alpacas for 10 days
  • 3-sided shelter from extreme elements
  • Constant access to water

What Do Alpacas Eat?

Alpacas eat almost anything green. They are gentle grazers, only eating the very tops of plants so they aren’t considered a good “mowing” animal. But that means that they are very gentle on the landscape and easy on vegetation.

Alpacas love to eat grass, herbs, and leaves and shrubs. They love hay and alfalfa, clover, and other meadow plants. Their split upper lip allows them to nibble around thorns. Alpacas do better on worse pastures than any other farm animal. They are very efficient with their feeding and don’t need a lot of food to thrive.

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (2)

What foods can’t alpacas eat? Alpacas do not do well on grain-based foods. Do not feed alpacas bread, horse or pig nuts, or basic grains of any kind. Grains can cause ulcers and severe health issues in alpacas (including death).

  • Grasses
  • Alfalfa and various forms of hay and clover
  • Meadow plants and leaves
  • Leaves off thorny plants
  • Scrub brush and other poor pasture plants

Fencing For Alpacas

Alpacas are one of the easiest animals to keep fenced in. They honor fence lines and won’t try to push against them or get out like other livestock does.

But, alpacas aren’t that great at defending themselves. So the fencing options you choose should account for the types of local predators likely to prey on your alpacas.

Be very careful about using barbed wire or electric fences to keep alpacas contained. Both are likely to cause injury to alpacas and aren’t necessary. If you need to use an electric fence to protect your alpacas from predators, add the electrical wire on the outside of your regular fencing and away from where your alpacas can reach them.

There have been cases of alpacas reaching out of the fence and then getting their heads wrapped in the electrical wire and being shocked until they die. It’s totally unnecessary for this to happen and can be easily avoided.

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (3)

What types of fencing work for alpacas?

  • Sheep fencing
  • Deer fencing
  • Wire fencing

How Many Alpacas?

Alpacas are herd animals. They need at least one other alpaca to be happy. A single alpaca will be extremely lonely and won’t be happy. Ideally, you should keep at least 3 alpacas. They are happiest with a herd of at least 3.

This also helps to protect you if something happens to one of your alpacas so you have at least 2 minimum.

Caring For Your Alpacas: What Do They Need?

Alpacas have few maintenance needs during the year. They do need to be sheared annually because they don’t shed their wool like other animals. It will continue to grow and will become unbearably hot to them and lose its quality.

Alpaca fiber is usually sold in three main batches. The blanket section comes from the backs of the alpacas and sells for the most amount of money. It’s the highest quality of fleece. The second section includes the neck and upper legs of the alpaca. Thirds include everything else; around the bum, the lower legs where the fiber is dirtier and matted more.

How much wool does an alpaca produce? Alpacas produce between 5-10 pounds of fleece a year. A fully-grown alpaca will generally average 10 lbs of fleece in the early summer shearing.

Toenail Clipping: Alpacas also need to have their nails clipped. On average alpacas will need their toenails clipped every 6 weeks. More active alpacas on rougher ground may need their nails clipped less often than that- every 2-3 months. Older alpacas that don’t move around as much may need their nails clipped every couple of weeks.

Maintenance Needs of Alpacas:

  • Annual shearing
  • Toenails clipped regularly
  • Minimal vaccinations

What Shots or Vaccinations Do Alpacas Need?

Alpacas don’t need a lot of vaccinations, nor do they have many worrisome health issues. Alpacas need to be dewormed and they should have a tetanus shot and boosters to protect them from tetanus. They should also have a Vitamin D shot in the winter in areas that don’t have a lot of sunlight during winter months.

When using vaccinations do not use live vaccinations in alpacas. Currently there are no live vaccinations developed specifically for alpacas and they pose a danger when used. Recombinant vaccinations are generally considered safe for use in alpacas.

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (4)

Deworming: Alpacas should be dewormed once to twice a year. Many alpaca owners, especially those raising alpacas for meat prefer to deworm their alpacas twice a year. Currently, there are no vaccinations specifically developed for use in camelid animals.

Meningeal worms can be spread to alpacas through white-tailed deer, snails, and slugs. It causes the alpaca to have issues getting up.

That means that most alpaca owners use dewormers made for use in sheep, cattle, or horses. The off-label use of these products means that their effectiveness varies. It’s a good idea to talk to other alpaca owners or your local vet and farm stores to get a good idea of which dewormers work best in your climate and for the worms common in your area.

Tetanus Shot: Alpacas should get a tetanus shot when they are young. They can receive the tetanus shot as early as 2-3 days old. Baby alpacas, also called crias, should receive their first tetanus shot no later than 3-4 months old. After the first tetanus shot, crias should receive a second booster about 4 weeks later.

As a general rule, alpacas should receive a tetanus booster annual to protect them. In addition, pregnant alpacas should get a tetanus shot 1-2 months prior to giving birth.

Vitamin D Shots: In areas that have a long cloudy season, or minimal sunlight during the winter, alpacas may need a boost of Vitamin D during the winter. This boost can be given once a month during the winter months.

Other potential vaccinations for alpacas: Alpacas can be immunized against West Nile, Leptospirosis, Rabies, Coronavirus, and other diseases. But, most of these illnesses don’t usually affect alpacas unless the ranch or area has had issues with these illnesses in other animals.

What Health Issues Do Alpacas Face?

Alpacas are generally pretty hardy animals. They can get sick when exposed to a specific illness. The best way to protect alpacas from disease and illness is to practice good husbandry. Don’t keep alpacas in a small space that is dirty with poor food nutrition. Make sure there aren’t things laying around that can harm or hurt your alpacas.

As long as alpacas have space to roam, plenty of food to eat, and clean water, they will generally do very well and live a long healthy life.

How To Make Money On Alpacas

Alpacas provide a number of ways to make a profit. Because they don’t eat a lot, they are one of the lowest cost farm animals to raise. Alpacas are profitable through the sale of their fiber, crias, meat, and dung.

Alpaca Fiber: Alpaca fiber is considered extremely high quality and is fastly growing in demand. Alpacas produce about 10 lbs of fleece each year. Bag it according to the quality and you can sell it for a premium.

Many alpaca owners will use the wool from their alpacas to create additional products including yarn or clothing. Alpaca wool is stronger, warmer, and softer than a sheep’s wool at the same weight.

Before shearing, make sure to groom the alpaca fleece first. Brush it and pick out any burs and twigs out so the wool is clean. Alpaca fiber doesn’t have lanolin like sheep’s wool so it doesn’t need the intense cleaning sheep’s wool needs.

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (5)

Alpaca Cries: Baby alpacas are also a profitable enterprise. A female alpaca can become pregnant at about 1.5 years of age. Alpacas don’t go into heat like other animals. Instead, the act of mating causes the egg to drop and become fertilized. This makes it very easy to breed alpacas. Mothers can be bred within a couple of weeks of giving birth.

Alpacas are pregnant for a little over 11 months a year. They can have a baby annually. Selling the babies often brings in a good profit. Crias sell for various amounts depending on their breeding, paperwork, quality of fleece, and other factors.

Meat: Alpaca meat is also becoming more popular. Alpaca meat is low in fat and high in protein. It’s also low in cholesterol.

Dung: The dung is also popular. It’s not considered a hot dung so it’s safe to put directly on plants. If you plan to use the alpaca dung in a garden setting, it should be composted first to eliminate potential parasites that could be consumed by people. Otherwise, flowers, pastures and other areas can handle the dung without additional prep work.

Alpacas like to have communal “bathrooms’ ‘ so their dung is easy to gather and find. It will all be in one common spot.

Benefits Of Owning Alpacas

There are a lot of benefits to owning alpaca in addition to the benefits already named. Let’s cover some, but not all of the benefits of alpacas.

    • Alpacas are extremely mellow animals. They are great with kids and don’t pose a danger. They are friendly and easy-going. Plus they are easy to care for, which makes them a great pet for children.
    • Alpacas are really easy on the land. They don’t have hooves so they don’t wear trails in the land or kill vegetation. Their feed are toes with a soft under portion and a hard toenail on the top. This makes them easier on pastures than hooved animals.
    • Alpacas are extremely good mothers. They have almost trouble-free pregnancies. Plus giving birth is a breeze. Because they are adapted to Peru, they don’t birth during the night-time. They give birth in the early morning to early afternoon, which means you won’t spend all night birthing alpaca babies. Their usual time to birth is between 7 AM and 1 PM. This gives the babies time to dry off before the cool of night sets in.
    • Alpacas come with a lot of great tax benefits in the USA. There are amazing tax benefits for full-fledged alpaca farmers, and even for casual alpaca owners, there are several deductions available.
    • Alpacas are easy to halter trains: Alpacas are super easy to lead by a halter. This makes them easy animals for kids to ride on and to use in fairs and other entertainment. Some alpaca owners even show their alpacas.

Differences Between Alpacas and Llamas

Alpacas and llamas are sometimes confused as the same animal. They are related as they are both a part of the camelid family. There are some big differences between these cousins.

Alpacas are half the size of llamas. While an alpaca reaches 100-150 pounds, a llama will reach 200-350 lbs. Plus, alpacas have small ears that look like a rabbit’s ears. Llamas have long ears that are shaped like a banana.

Alpacas produce a lot more fiber than a llama even though they are smaller. That’s because alpacas have been bred for hundreds of years for their fine wool, while llamas were bred to be a pack animal.

Llamas have a course outer wool and a finer under the fiber layer. Alpacas have more fine fleece and it is only one layer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do alpacas spit? Alpacas do spit, but mostly at each other. They almost never spit intentionally at people, although people can get caught in the crossfire of an alpaca fight. Alpacas mostly spit to fight over food.

What kinds of alpacas are there? There are two breeds of alpacas: the Suri and Huacaya. Most of the alpacas found in the United States are Huacaya. Huacaya has fuzzy wool and look like a toy animal. Suri alpacas grow long locks of fiber that can look like ringlets or dreadlocks!

How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (6)

If I want to buy or sell alpaca products, where do I start? The Alpaca Owners Association maintains the broadest database of alpacas in the United States. They maintain a registry of alpacas and their lineage. They also maintain a list of alpaca manufacturers. Use it as a resource for finding outlets for your alpaca products, fleece, or to get useful tips and advice.

How long do alpacas live? Alpacas live for 15-20 years.

How much do alpacas cost? Alpacas cost as little as $100 for crias and as much as $1,000 per animal. It depends on the pedigree and quality of the animal. On average alpacas cost about $500 per alpaca. A nice breeding female can sell for as much as $10,000. Recently a very high-pedigree alpaca sold for over 700k!

Are alpacas dangerous? Alpacas are not dangerous. They do not bite or kick. They do very little to defend themselves, which makes them susceptible to predators. Alpacas are very good with children but can get nervous around unfamiliar people.


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Annemaria Duran

Hi, I’m Annemaria Duran. I moved out to the country 6 years ago, mainly so I could have more land. I love all aspects of country living. First, we got chickens, then ducks. Now we have sheep, goats, and rabbits. I'm always learning and love sharing it!

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How To Raise Alpacas: A Beginner’s Guide to Owning & Farming | Best Farm Animals (2024)


How many alpacas should I start with? ›

How many alpacas should you have at one time? You need to have at least three alpacas to form a herd large enough for the alpacas to feel safe and socialize. Anything less than that will put stress on the animal.

Is it easy to have alpacas? ›

Once you bring your alpacas home, caring for them is pretty straightforward. Extremely hardy, the animals require only basic shelter for protection from bad weather. A barn's nice, but a three-sided lean-to will do. As for food, it's all about hay and grass.

What do alpacas need? ›

Like other types of livestock, alpacas need basic shelter and protection from heat and foul weather. Good nutrition is essential for healthy animals. Hay, minerals, and fresh clean water should be available at all times. Many alpaca owners also provide a nutritional supplement.

Do alpacas need daily care? ›

Alpacas Need Consistent Care And Handling

You'll need to groom your alpacas periodically to keep their fleece tangle-free, and they should be sheared annually at the end of the winter, or the beginning of the summer. Alpaca toenails should be trimmed every two-to-four months.

How much pasture do you need for 2 alpacas? ›

Alpacas and llamas do not require much land. Sheridan recommends two acres of pasture for up to a dozen llamas (a maximum of six llamas per acre), and Foss said you should have one acre of land for every six alpacas. Sheridan said that llamas need some fencing, but it does not need to be especially strong or high.

How big of a space do alpacas need? ›

Shelter Requirements

Roughly 40 to 50 square feet of space per alpaca is recommended and the best form of housing for them is in a well-ventilated, fully enclosed pole barn. Alpacas are very adaptable creatures that are built to withstand fluctuations in weather conditions.

How do I start an alpaca farm? ›

22 Steps for Starting an Alpaca Farm and Business
  1. Visit local alpaca farms. ...
  2. Go to a few alpaca shows. ...
  3. Walk through key decision criteria. ...
  4. Validate your local zoning laws and regulations. ...
  5. Verify farm tax deductions and benefits with your accountant or CPA. ...
  6. Create a business plan.
May 12, 2020

Is it hard to take care of alpacas? ›

Alpacas are one the most interesting animals in the world. Caring for alpacas is not difficult — in fact, they are easy to keep and even easier to maintain. One of their major advantages is the fact that their fleece makes one of the strongest fibers and is used in many industries.

Do alpacas need 24hr care? ›

Another local resident, Jan Averis, predicted that others would follow the Naishes. She has been asked if she would sell her fields to alpaca farmers. "Why do they need to be there 24 hours?" she asked. "After all, the alpacas survive well in the Andes without round-the-clock care."

How hard is it to farm alpacas? ›

In terms of an agricultural career or hobby, alpaca ranching is much easier than, say, raising dairy cows or race horses. But even the easiest animals are work—and it costs time and money to make money.

How often should you worm alpacas? ›

Alpacas need a Clostridial vaccination and worming twice a year in the Spring and the Autumn. A Vitamin D injection is required every one to two months over the winter months.

What kind of fence do you need for alpacas? ›

Fences: A no-climb woven wire fence (at least 4 feet high) with holes of about 2x4 inches is the ideal fence for alpacas. While alpacas don't usually challenge fences, you want to keep potential predators out of the pasture.

Do alpacas need shelter from rain? ›

Alpacas need shelter, please don't let others convince you of anything different to that fact. The most essential & basic shelter are trees, they can provide deep shade in Summer and protection from rains and wind in Winter.

How much do alpacas cost to keep? ›

Ongoing Cost of Alpaca Farming
Item and/or ServiceSingle Alpaca Annual Maintenance CostThree Alpacas Annual Maintenance Cost
Straw for Bedding$22$66
Sawdust for Interior Litter Box$35$105
Onsite Health Check with Licensed Vet$37$37
Total Annual Cost Per Alpaca$369$1,107
4 more rows
Aug 21, 2019

Do alpacas need vaccinations? ›

Vaccination of Llamas and Alpacas

Most animals should receive Clostridium perfringens type C and D vaccinations and tetanus toxoid. In rabies endemic areas, a rabies vaccine should be administered.

Do alpacas damage trees? ›

An alpaca in its natural state is a browsing animal that finds nutrients not only in pasture, but also in the leaves, twigs and bark of these trees and shrubs. Camelids are browsers because their mineral needs are high and this can then cause problems when they graze on dangerous plants.

Do alpaca farmers make money? ›

Just a few decades ago there were but a handful of farmers and ranchers importing and breeding alpacas in the United States. Now, thanks to a number of factors, alpacas are considered a lucrative and relatively easy livestock investment, with their numbers climbing to about 50,000 in this country.

Do alpacas protect against coyotes? ›

Alpacas use their long legs, hooves, teeth, vocalization, and spitting skills to keep coyotes and other small predators away from their herd – actual or adopted. In fact, there are many farms worldwide that use alpacas specifically as a guard animals against smaller predators (like coyotes) for their herds of sheep.

How many alpacas can you have on an acre? ›

They are known as the ideal small-acreage livestock.

Alpacas require much less acreage than most other farm animals. Being one of the most efficient eaters, they don't require much forage. Most recommendations suggest around 5-10 alpacas per acre.

How much land do 3 alpacas need? ›

How much land do I need? Anyone with an acre of pasture has enough land to keep alpacas. They have a stocking rate 1 greater to that of sheep so around 6 alpacas per acre throughout the year.

How do you make money with alpacas? ›

How To Make Money With Alpacas | Making Money On An Alpaca Farm

What is needed to raise alpacas? ›

7 Things You NEED To Get Started with ALPACAS - YouTube

What do alpacas like eating? ›

Feed and water

Alpacas should be pasture fed at all times. They do well on native pastures, however alpacas can be supplemented with good quality hay and/or various grains.

How much is alpaca poop worth? ›

Alpaca Manure – “Magic Beans” – 2022 Pricing

$20.00 per bag; each bag contains 12-15 gallons of dried manure (approx 15 lbs).

Do alpacas need a shelter? ›

Alpacas need a field shelter, large enough to house all of the alpacas in the field, to allow them to get out of the rain. Alpacas do not challenge fences and so a metre high barrier is adequate. Barbed wire should be removed because their wool can get tangled in it and they can become trapped.

How much does a baby alpaca cost? ›

While overall alpaca costs can range between $250 – $50,000 per animal, the cost of most alpacas will fall between $3,000 – $10,000 per alpaca. You will find these costs vary based on age, conformation, fiber quality, lineage, facial appearance, and personality.

How cold can alpacas tolerate? ›

Alpacas are cold-hardy and can thrive in temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Of even more concern than the temperature, however, is the wind chill. Alpacas will need a shelter to protect them from the cold wind and extreme weather, especially crias (baby alpacas) and dams (alpaca mothers).

Are alpacas worth the investment? ›

Alpacas can be raised profitably on small acreage. Their high value and low maintenance needs make them ideal for both hobby farmers and full-time breeders. In addition, livestock offer unique benefits in the form of tax advantages, income deferral, and investment compounding.

How much does alpaca wool sell for? ›

Alpacas are shorn annually in the spring and produce on average 4 lbs of fiber. The fiber sells retail in the U.S. Cottage Industry between $2.00 & $3.00 per ounce. The first fleece or baby fleece is the finest, softest fleece the animal will produce and the mostly highly prized and expensive.

What is the lifespan of an alpaca? ›

Individual fibres within the fleece range from about 20 to 40 cm (about 7.9 to 15.7 inches) in length at the time of shearing. Alpacas have a natural life span of 15–20 years.

How often do you shear an alpaca? ›

Alpacas are sheared once a year usually before the end of July, depending on location. They are normally sheared lying on their side as opposed to sitting on their rump like sheep. Two people lift the alpaca off its feet and lie the alpaca on its side. This can be done on the floor or on a table.

How long can alpacas be left alone? ›

Another plus: Unlike dogs, alpacas can be left unattended for a few days, such as when their owners are traveling. 2. Alpacas are not llamas: Although both are camelids and share the South American continent as their ancestral home, alpacas are about half the size of llamas.

How do you get rid of mites on alpacas? ›

In another study, the successful treatment of a mixed infestation with sarcoptic and chorioptic mange mites in one alpaca was achieved using a combination of topical amitraz and 0.5 mg/kg subcutaneous ivermectin for nine consecutive weeks (6).

What is the best age to get an alpaca? ›

We prefer late spring babies, personally. An average gestation of 335 days (or about 11.5 months) produces a single baby (cria), which is usually delivered from a standing position during daylight hours. Alpacas are burdened with the fact that their crias are unusually large for the size of the mother.

Do alpacas need mineral blocks? ›

Minerals & Salt

Many llamas and alpacas prefer loose salt instead of blocks. Camelids should not have access to mineral salt blocks or loose mineral mixes unless they contain no copper, such as those formulated for sheep. Provide minerals/salt in a small feed pan or bucket in a dry area.

Do you have to shear alpacas every year? ›

Alpacas do not shed their fur like a dog or cat. They must be sheared annually for their own health and welfare.

Will alpacas jump fences? ›

Any fencing that keeps sheep contained is satisfactory, preferably without barbed wire. Alpacas do not tend to jump fences but are quite capable of clearing a standard fence if sufficiently stressed or chased. Electric fencing is not very common but it may be used.

Do alpacas respect fences? ›

Llamas and alpacas are intelligent animals and can quickly learn to respect an electric fence. As highly sociable herd animals, they are more comfortable around others of their species, making them easy to control and train.

Do alpacas need to be locked up at night? ›

Minimally, this would include shade from the heat and walls & a roof to protect them from wind, rain, hail and snow. We have found alpacas don't like to be completely enclosed in a building at night and are much happier if they can look outside. However, if predators are a problem they may need to be locked in.

How tall should an alpaca shelter be? ›

Many of the farms in our state have experienced injuries or even death of an alpaca from either the "dog next door", or stray dogs. The main focus on fencing should be to keep out predators. A non-climb fencing is 5 feet tall, and very sturdy.

What sort of shelter do alpacas need? ›

They will use small areas or water like troughs to stand in or wet their necks. Recently shorn alpacas are the first to seek shade and shelter. In hot dry conditions alpacas are cooler when they have reasonable cover of fleece with the exception of the testicl*s of males when they are mating.

What are the benefits of having alpacas? ›

The major tax advantages of alpaca ownership include depreciation, capital gains treatment, and, if you are an active hands-on owner, the benefit of offsetting ordinary income from other sources with expenses from your ranching business.

Do male or female alpacas make better pets? ›

Not at all. It just makes them different. Alpacas are docile animals and aggression is generally not part of their personality. It's why I love them as much as I do and it's why they make great additions to hobby and family farms.

What do alpacas eat in the winter? ›

Alpacas need extra energy during the winter. Energy-rich foods, like grains, can be a great way for alpacas to get more calories quickly. Corn, oats, and sugar beet pulp, barley are great options as they are high in energy (carbohydrates) and are easily digested.

How do you water an alpaca? ›

Alpacas need a continuous supply of fresh water. On average, alpacas will drink two to five gallons of water each day and more on hot days. To save time and energy hauling water to and from your pasture, invest in an automatic watering solution. Our livestock automatic waterer is a great solution for alpaca farming.

Can you use electric fence with alpaca? ›

Electric fencing is often used to keep alpaca and llama safe. Despite their thick fleece, with the right energiser they can be trained to respect and electric fence. The fence won't hurt the animals, but it will give an unpleasant sensation which they will want to avoid.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.