Kill Meg | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate source for all gam... (2024)

Mission Details
**Available:** Complete Paint Job **Location:** Hyperion Hub of Heroism; Nakayama **Level:** 18 **Rewards:** 3208 XP, 155 dollars, Choice between Laser and Class Mod

It appears that Nakayama has created a teeny tiny genetic abomination that is living in the trash compactor and he wants you to kill it. Head to the waypoint, but don’t jump over the barrier. Instead, press the button on the wall and you’ll be dropped into the trash below. After a few seconds, a large Thresher will appear named Meg.

Meg is a Badass version of a normal Thresher, with individual tentacles that can be targeted. She’s strong, so be prepared for a challenging fight.

See Also

Meg has a fairly large health pool, so it might be challenging to kill it, as you’re in a fairly small room as well. Concentrate on the main body and should you happen to go into Fight For Your Life, kill the tentacles to get a Second Wind. Once Meg goes down, use the path that opens to escape the compactor and you’ll be in the gun shop. Leave that and return to Nakayama to finish the mission.

Kill Meg | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate source for all gam... (2024)
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