Level cap - DDO wiki (2024)

Level cap refers to the maximum level a character can reach within a game. In DDO, that limit is currently level 32.

Level cap - DDO wiki (2024)


What was the original level cap in DDO? ›

Level cap refers to the maximum level a character can reach within a game. In DDO, that limit is currently level 32. At launch (February 2006) it was 10. With Module 3: Demon Sands (October 2006) it was increased to 12.

What is the max plat in DDO? ›

Congrats! The actual plat cap is 4,294,967 assuming you have no other coins on the character whatsoever, so you have a bit to go yet (or at least you should).

How many ranks are there in a level in DDO? ›

DDO divides levels up into Ranks, 5 per level. Achieving sufficient XP for the next rank (but not next level) awards an Action Point. The XP bar at the bottom of the screen indicates how close you are to reaching the next rank or level.

What is the max level in Dungeons and Dragons Online? ›

The level cap for Dungeons & Dragons Online will be raised to level 32 with the release of Isle of Dread, and with it comes new changes and new ways to play! You do not need to own Isle of Dread to experience the new level cap.

What version of D&D is DDO based on? ›

Turbine developed Dungeons & Dragons Online as an online adaptation of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), originally based loosely on the D&D 3.5 rule set.

What is the gold limit in DDO f2p? ›

Gold Storage: Limited to 1,250 pp at level 1, doubling each level until it reaches the technical limit of about 4.3 million pp. DDO Store items: Unbound store items cannot be traded or mailed. They can however be placed in guild chests. Guilds: Must purchase a Guild Charter to create a guild; can join guilds free.

What difficulty is legendary in DDO? ›

Quests that are CR 30 (or higher) on Normal difficulty are considered "Legendary". Monsters in legendary dungeons gain potent defenses: Legendary Ward. Some item effects, such as Mortal Fear, work differently in this quest setting. Old Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass does not work on legendary raids.

What level do you get feats in DDO? ›

Every character also gets a feat at levels 21, 24, 27, and 30 (& levels 33, 36, & 39 when the cap is raised) for which Epic Feats can be selected in addition to standard feats. Every character also gets an Epic Destiny Feat at levels 22, 25, 28, and 31 (& levels 34, 37, & 40 when the cap is raised.)

What is the drop rate for named loot in DDO? ›

Increasing the odds of finding named loot[edit]

The general numbers we've used for getting the Named Loot Table in the last few years' worth of updates: Normal/Epic Normal: 10% Hard/Epic Hard: 16% Elite/Epic Elite: 33%

Does race matter in DDO? ›

Any race in DDO can be any class, and they all can multiclass as well. However, some races are better suited for certain classes, while some may be somewhat less ideal for certain others. For instance, if you want a "strong" character, a half-orc (+2 Str) might be a better choice than a Halfling (-2 Str).

How many people still play DDO? ›

Dungeons & Dragons Online
MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days245.9490
March 2024264.5506
February 2024267.3481
January 2024269.5515
94 more rows

What level is Ravenloft DDO? ›

The Mists of Ravenloft adventure pack consists of 12 quests (Level 10-12, Epic 31) plus 2 raids (Epic 32 only). The series begins with one stand-alone quest and three story arcs.

How long is the longest D&D game? ›

Robert A. Wardhaugh is a Canadian historian known as a host of the longest uninterrupted Dungeons & Dragons campaign. As of 2023, the game has been going on for 42 years, since 1982.

Is level 20 the max in DND? ›

Level 20 is the maximum level you can reach in D&D. Your DM could alter this, but Rules as Written, 20 is the max.

Is 7 players too many for D&D? ›

The Dungeon Master's Guide (page 83) explicitly mentions this recommended group size. Additionally, the Adventurers League, an organised play program for D&D, adheres to the notion of 3-7 players per table, allowing for a slight flexibility to accommodate varying group sizes and preferences.

What is the original level cap in Grim Dawn? ›

The level cap is 85, increased to 100 with the Ashes of Malmouth expansion. At levels 2 through 50, you earn 3 skill points per level. At levels 51 through 90, you earn 2 skill points per level. Levels 91 and up earn 1 skill point per level.

What was the level cap in the old wow? ›

Prior to Shadowlands, the maximum level in the game was 120. With the release of the Shadowlands expansion, a level squish reduced the maximum level to 60, halving the level cap. All level 120 characters were squished to level 50 and the new cap was 60.

What is the level cap in Dragon Age? ›

Dragon Age: Inquisition. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the maximum level for player-controlled characters is 27, which is reached at 791,384 experience points.

What was the original level cap in FF14? ›

The Level Caps in Final Fantasy 14

With every expansion, the level cap in FF14 has continued to grow. In the base game and the relaunched version of the base game, players were limited to level 60. When the first expansion, called Heavensward, dropped in 2015, it brought the level cap up ten levels to 70.

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