Pothos Soil: What Is The Best Soil For Pothos Plants? (2024)

All types of Pothos plants, or Epipremnum aureum, do best in well-drained potting soil for pothos. Compacted pothos potting soil or mixtures without enough air pockets keep the plant’s roots too wet, leading to root rot on many indoor plants.

The best potting soil for pothos includes soil and soil-free mixtures with peat moss, vermiculite, or perlite. These mixtures are suitable for all pothos types, including golden pothos, marble queen, and jade pothos.

Pothos Soil: What Is The Best Soil For Pothos Plants? (1)Pin

Table Of Contents

  1. What Type of Soil is Best for My Pothos Plant?
  2. Well-Draining Soil Types
    • Mixing Your Own
    • Pothos Soil Mix Recipe
    • Purchasing a Pre-Made Pothos Potting Mix
  3. What Is A Pothos Plant?
  4. Bottom Line

In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about pothos plant soil, including the different pothos soil type and best soil for golden pothos.

What Type of Soil is Best for My Pothos Plant?

Pothos plants, especially when potted in golden pothos soil, do not like sitting in water, and their pots must have drainage holes.

If your Pothos sits in water too long, it will suffer a tremendous case of root rot, and plants fail to thrive.

The Pothos flourishes in well-drained soil.Soil that does not drain well can end up drowning the roots it’s meant to nourish.

Related: More on Pothos Root Rot

Well-Draining Soil Types

So, what’s the best soil mix for pothos?

You can either mix your own soil mix for pothos or buy pre-mixed soil. Either must be lightweight, not dense, and full of ample air space. This allows for absorption and efficient drainage.

Mixing Your Own

You will need a balanced mixture of ingredients for efficient drainage and adequate nutrition. A good combination of pothos soil recipe contains most or all of the following components:

  • Vermiculite – hydrated minerals used for water and nutrient absorption; aerates the soil
  • Peat moss – a partially decomposed soil layer found in bogs; excellent for water and oxygen retention
  • Perlite – a naturally occurring mineral that retains its shape, has pockets for air and absorbs water quickly.
  • Sand – used for extra drainage and air pockets
  • Shredded Bark – adds air pockets and drainage
  • Compost – adds nutrients to the soil (use compost outdoor plants only)
  • Coco coir – an organic compound from the coconut tree. It adds to the absorbency, water retention, and drainage of potting soil. It is often used as a peat moss substitute.

NOTE: Don’t use garden soil, even on outdoor plants. The soil is too heavy, good root growth is difficult, and often fungus gnats can be an issue.is not

Pothos Soil Mix Recipe

The best potting mix for pothos that is well-draining and provides good air exchange is simple to make.

  • 4 Parts Peat Moss or Coco Coir
  • 2 Part Perlite
  • 1 Part Vermiculite or sand
  • 1 Part shredded bark

If you’re thinking about what soil to use for pothos and decide to make your own potting soil mixture, remember to test the pH level first. Pothos plants aren’t picky but prefer pH levels between 6.1 and 6.5.

Purchasing a Pre-Made Pothos Potting Mix

The easier and more popular option is to buy a high-quality potting mix for pothos from your local garden center. Look for compounds that contain perlite for adequate aeration.

Many potting mixes are soilless, which means they’re sterile. This keeps pests and fungi out of your plant.

Soilless mixes are excellent for moisture absorption but do not provide organic nutrients for the soil. You will need to add these.

What Is A Pothos Plant?

Golden Pothos, one of the vibrant pothos types, is a houseplant with waxy heart-shaped leaves and long ivy-like tendrils. It is easy to maintain and quite forgiving. They enjoy bright, indirect light conditions

There are a few varieties of pothos types, such as:

It is also nicknamed Devil’s Ivy because killing this plant completely is almost impossible.

No matter the variety, whether it’s a Golden Pothos or Marble Queen, all Pothos have similar requirements for their potting soil for pothos.

Related: Details on Caring For Pothos Devil’s Ivy

Bottom Line

Whether you buy pre-mixed soil for golden pothos or create your own, it must be well-draining and provide room for air for your Pothos roots to breathe.

Pothos Soil: What Is The Best Soil For Pothos Plants? (2024)


Pothos Soil: What Is The Best Soil For Pothos Plants? ›

By using a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, and compost, you can provide your pothos

Pothos Neon (Epipremnum aureum 'Neon') is a popular houseplant known for its bright, neon-green leaves. It is a low-maintenance plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions.
https://www.plantsforallseasons.co.uk › blogs › pothos-care
with the perfect growing environment.

What is the best soil mix for pothos? ›

🌱 Soil quality is crucial for Golden Pothos' health and growth. 🌿 Ideal soil composition includes peat moss, perlite, and coarse sand.

Is Miracle Gro Tropical potting mix good for pothos? ›

Once you combine your tropical plant and our potting mix in an indoor or outdoor container, your plant will stay fed for up to 6 months. You can use Miracle-Gro® Tropical Potting Mix with any type of tropical plant, including spider plants, ZZ plants, snake plants, pothos, croton, monstera, fiddle-leaf fig, and more.

How do you make pothos grow faster in soil? ›

Watering your plant correctly is key to fast growth. Pothos likes moist soil but never soggy. So water your plant when the top half an inch to an inch of the soil is dry, and make sure the water drains completely out of the holes in the bottom of the pot.

What should I repot my pothos in? ›

Final Thoughts
  • Assess your plant's health and take proper action.
  • Choose a container that is 2-3 times the size of the root ball.
  • Check that there are enough drainage holes in the container.
  • Choose a well-drained potting mix.
  • Fill the new pot halfway.
  • Place the pothos in the new pot and keep the soil level the same.
Oct 6, 2023

Should you use cactus soil for pothos? ›

Yes, you can combine cactus soil mix with an all-purpose soil mix for your indoor plants like pothos, pilea, peperomia prostrata, and scindapsus pictus. However, it's essential to consider the specific needs of each plant species and adjust the soil mixture accordingly.

How often do you water pothos? ›

💧 Determining Watering Frequency

Golden Pothos plants are notoriously resilient, but they do have a sweet spot for watering. Generally, you'll want to water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between sessions.

Do pothos like deep pots? ›

Do Pothos Need Deep Pots? Well, here's the deal: pothos plants are known to have a relatively shallow root system, so they don't necessarily need deep pots. In fact, using a pot that's too deep can sometimes do more harm than good.

What kind of light do pothos need? ›

Bright, indirect light is the golden ticket for your pothos. Think of a south-facing window, but not too close—keep it a friendly 5-10 feet away. East or west-facing windows work too, but remember, like a vampire, this plant dreads the harsh touch of direct sunlight.

Should pothos climb or hang? ›

Whether your Pothos should climb or hang depends on your personal preference and the available space in your home. However many Pothos Plants may grow bigger and happier looking leaves when Reaching up towards light.

How do I get my pothos to grow more leaves? ›

If you want to make your pothos fuller from the top, simply take your pruning shears and cut off the stems that are growing out and down so new leaf growth starts to branch out from the top of the plant. When pruning your pothos, cut just below a leaf node.

What can I put in water to stimulate root growth? ›

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the biggies. They encourage plants to put out strong, new roots. Start feeding as soon as you notice the first root growing. There are lots of fertilisers suitable for water propagation.

Should you water pothos right after repotting? ›

Place a layer of your pre-mixed soil in the new pot, then position your plant inside. Add soil around the roots, leaving a few inches at the top, and press lightly to eliminate air pockets. Water immediately after repotting to help your Pothos settle in and reduce transplant shock.

Should you repot pothos when roots come out the bottom? ›

Roots growing from the pot's drainage holes and circling the bottom of the pot are signs that your pothos is ready for repotting. If it is not obvious from the outside, you can always gently pull the plant out of its pot to check the state of its roots. Spring and summer are the best months to repot a pothos.

What is the best rooting medium for pothos? ›

Mix a potting mixture of one part peat moss and one part coarse sand or perlite. Fill a 3-inch pot with the mixture and water well before inserting the pothos propagations. Dip the pothos cuttings in a rooting hormone, giving them a light coating. Create a hole in the media using a pencil as a dibble.

What kind of soil do string of hearts like? ›

Soil. String of heart plants thrive in well-drained cacti potting mixes. Although they appreciate decent fertility, the plants can become straggly-looking if the mix is overly rich. If you are using an ordinary potting mix, it will need additions like pumice or perlite to ensure sufficient drainage.

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