Skills and Skill Trees - PayDay 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


Just like in almost any other game PayDay 2 makes use of skills and skill trees. There are fiveskill trees can be distinguished:


Skill Points

Gaining Skill Points

Skill points can only be gained by leveling up your character. Every time you go up 1 level you will also receive 1 skill point. You will gain 2 extra skill points everytime that you reach a level that is a multitude of 10 (10,20,30...90,100).

Spending Skill Points

The only way to spend your skill points is by purchasing skills in the Skills menu. Here the player can choose to spend it in one of four skill trees.

On the first 3 tiers it will cost the player 1 skill point to buy a basic skill and 3 points to buy an aced skill. After tier 3 it will cost the player 4 points to buy a basic skill and 8 points to buy an aced skill.

Skill Trees


The skill trees in PayDay 2 have tiers to them. As you level up you will be able to get into higher tiers with often better skills. Every tier has 3 skills in them and upon unlocking a tier, the player will receive a tier bonus. Every skill tree has 6 tiers and the first tier can be unlocked by buying the first skill in that tree. From that point on the tiers will be unlocked at certain amounts of spend skill points in that tree:

Tier Spend Skill Points
1 1
2 5
3 10
4 20
5 30
6 40

But when the player has gone infamous and spend his infamy perk on this skill tree he will need 10% less spend skill points to gain access to a tier:

Tier Spend Skill Points
1 1
2 5
3 9
4 18
5 27
6 36
Skills and Skill Trees - PayDay 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


How do you get 120 skill points in Payday 2? ›

Thus, once the player reaches the maximum Reputation level of 100, the player will have a total of 120 skill points.

How do skills work in Payday 2? ›

Skill points can only be gained by leveling up your character. Every time you go up 1 level you will also receive 1 skill point. You will gain 2 extra skill points everytime that you reach a level that is a multitude of 10 (10,20,30... 90,100).

What happens when you reach level 100 in PAYDAY 2? ›

Nothing. You just hit level 100 and have 120 skill points. If you want, you can go infamy at that point, though. It'll reset you to level 0 and give you one infamy point, but you keep your inventory.

Can you ace every skill in Payday 2? ›

Every skill has an Ace version, sure, but you can't do them all at once.

Can you max all perk decks in PAYDAY 2? ›

Unlike skill trees which cannot be fully unlocked because of the limited number of skill points obtainable in-game, Perk trees rely on the player's XP income, converted into Perk Points, which is limitless, thus allowing one to eventually unlock/complete all twenty-two decks.

Can you unlock all the perk decks in PAYDAY 2? ›

The Payday 2 Perk Deck system allows players to select one deck with nine perks. Although there are 22 decks available, you can only activate one deck at a time. It would help if you converted your XP income into Perk Points to unlock all of them.

What is the max FOV in PAYDAY 2? ›

60 being 0% and 90 being 100%. It increases by 1.5 with each keypress. 100% is maximal FOV, 0% minimal.

What is the corpse limit in PAYDAY 2? ›

Allows you to change the amount of corpses that can be spawned on a map at any given time. Amount can be altered by opening 'enemymanager. lua' in notepad and changing 50 to whatever you want, just don't set it too high if you have a lower end CPU (for reference vanilla default is 8).

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.