The Three Types of Accounting and Why They Matter to Your Business (2024)

Although accounting and finance are both vital to the healthy functioning of a business, they have different meanings and accomplish different goals. Accounting, for example, refers to how a business acquires its money and how much it distributes outward to cover expenses. The term finance refers to the way a business makes its financing and business decisions to ensure the ongoing survival and growth of the company.

A finance department can’t operate without input from accounting, and accounting professionals require the assistance of financial experts to create accounting information readily understood by a general audience. A business must use three separate types of accounting to track its income and expenses most efficiently. These include cost, managerial, and financial accounting, each of which we explore below.

Cost Accounting

Disagreement exists within the accounting and finance world about whether cost and managerial accounting are the same or two separate entities. Whatever you’re feeling about it, these two areas of accounting certainly do overlap. The primary function of cost accounting is for a business to determine its production costs by considering how much it spends to purchase the supplies and labor needed to create its products.

When managers receive these figures, they compare the cost of the production of goods against the profit the company earned by selling them. This helps them to establish a budget for future projects of a similar nature.

Managerial Accounting

This area of a company’s accounting department concerns itself with obtaining and preparing financial documents for management and other higher-level staff. The documents prepared by managerial accountants remain within the organization only. Managers use the financial documents they receive from this department to help them make the most appropriate business decisions and manage costs.

A key difference with managerial accounting is that those receiving the documents use it for forecasting purposes rather than as historical evidence of financial progress. Some specific techniques used by this area of accounting include cost-volume-profit analysis, risk management, and variance analysis.

Finance Accounting

Also called financial accounting, this area of a company focuses on external companies that have expressed interest in the business. Employees create several financial statements to provide to investors. The most common ones include the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. These documents help investors understand the financial strength of the company to decide whether they want to follow through with making an investment or not.

Businesses considering whether to extend credit to a company also care about its financial statements. This helps them to determine the risk of loaning money to the company. The creditor may request collateral, a down payment, a personal guarantee, or another method of ensuring payment if the business doesn’t have strong financial documents but still shows promise. On the other hand, companies that consistently post a loss or demonstrate proof of poor money management may not have credit extended at all. Companies with the strongest financial documents receive the best interest rates and other favorable terms.

We Offer Many Types of Accounting at Rickhoff & Associates

While these are the most common types of accounting used by small businesses, they aren’t the only ones. At Rickhoff & Associates, we understand every small business has unique accounting needs. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help your business manage its finances well.

The Three Types of Accounting and Why They Matter to Your Business (2024)


The Three Types of Accounting and Why They Matter to Your Business? ›

To help you better understand the language, we are only going to be discussing the three main types. These include tax, managerial, and financial accounting. Tax accounting focuses only on taxes. Accountants make sure a business, nonprofit or individual is following all relevant tax laws and regulations.

What are the 3 main types of accounting? ›

The three types of accounting include cost, managerial, and financial accounting. ​​ Although 3 methods of accounting are both vital to the healthy functioning of a business, they have different meanings and accomplish different goals. Let's dive into each of each below.

What is accounting and why it matters for your business? ›

Accounting helps to track income and expenses so businesses can manage cash flow and stay on top of tax deadlines using skills such as auditing, securing investments and buying assets.

What are the three importance of accounting? ›

Why Is Accounting Important? Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with quantitative financial information which can be used in making business decisions.

What are the three major of accounting? ›

Though there are 12 branches of accounting in total, there are 3 main types of accounting. These types are tax accounting, financial accounting, and management accounting. Management accounting is useful to all types of businesses and tax accounting is required by the IRS.

What is the 3 definition of accounting? ›

According to Bierman and Drebin:” Accounting may be defined as identifying, measuring, recording and communicating of financial information.”

What are the types of accounting? ›

Here are the main types of accounting:
  • Tax accounting.
  • Financial accounting.
  • Management accounting.
  • Cost accounting.
  • Forensic accounting.
  • Governmental accounting.
  • International accounting.
  • Auditing.
May 11, 2023

Is accounting the most important thing in business? ›

The bottom line is that accounting is critical to the success of your business. It provides you with the financial insights you need to make informed decisions that will keep your operations running smoothly.

Which type of accounting is most important? ›

Two important types of accounting for businesses are managerial accounting and cost accounting. Managerial accounting helps management teams make business decisions, while cost accounting helps business owners decide how much a product should cost.

What are the 3 important steps in accounting process? ›

The three steps in the accounting process are identification, recording, and communication.

What are the differences between the three types of accounting? ›

Financial accounting delivers external stakeholders an overview of a company's financial performance. Managerial accounting aids managers in making informed decisions within an organisation. Tax accounting ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations while minimising tax liabilities.

What are the 5 major things in accounting? ›

Five main types of accounts appear in a COA: assets, equity, expenses, liabilities, and revenues.

What is the golden rule of accounting with examples? ›

Example: Suppose you have purchased goods of Rs 5,000 from company XYZ. Since you have to make an expense of Rs 5,000, as per the golden rule, you will have to debit the expenditure and credit the income in the company accounts. Example: A company, PQR buys Rs 10,000 worth of goods from company ABC.

What are basic accounting types? ›

Typically, businesses use many types of accounts to keep track of their financial information and current value. These can include asset, expense, income, liability and equity accounts.

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