Turtle Master (2024)

Turtle Master (1)Wait! I'm still growing!

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Turtle Master (3)

Turtle Master is a status effect that gives a player Resistance III and Slowness IV. It makes players invulnerable, but extremely slow at the same time.Like all status effects, it can be removed by drinking milk.


  • Potions of the Turtle Master
  • Commands
  • Arrows of the Turtle Master
  • Turtle Master is an effect that only the most experienced players can make. Though its slowness effect is a weakness, if fighting a mob at close range, Resistance can be a great ally. Players should be advised not to take this potion while being fired at from a mob capable of harming you with long range weapons, such as bows and tridents, unless you have a long range weapon of your own. If you only have short rangers, the slowness effect will prevent you from reaching your target, and eventually your Resistance will run out.
  • It is made using a turtle shell, nether warts and water bottles.
  • Unless you are an experienced player, with many resources, you should not waste items on this potion. nether wart and turtle shells are rare. Nether wart is an important ingredient in many other potions, and turtle shells allow you to breath underwater for 10+ seconds.
  • The potion that gives you the status effect of turtle master is called Potion of the Turtle Master.
  • The tipped arrows of the turtle master affect mobs like players, slowing them down yet making them invernurable at the same time. If you wish to use this arrow on hostile mobs, it is best to shoot them, then run away rather than facing them. The slowness effect will prevent them from following you, but if you choose to then fight the mob, they will have Resistance to use against you.
  • This effect is based off of the movements of turtles, as it makes you slow and invulnerable, like a turtle.
See Also

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