Arthur King (2024)

Arthur King (1)

Arthur King (2)

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Care for an apple?
~ Claus the Clock mocking Andy the Apple.
I spy with my little eye, something... Dangerous!
~ Claus the Clock pointing to the axe that killed him as Arthur during his minigame.

Arthur King is one of the secondary characters of the Indie horror game, Andy's Apple Farm.

He is the former best friend of Thomas Eastwood, who slaughtered him and had his body trapped in the game of the same name of the character Claus the Clock. Despite not seeming like a villain, Claus is shown to be manipulative and spiteful towards his friend for placing him in this game as well as an unfaithful man who had affairs with his best friend's wife.

He is voiced by Melody West, who also voiced Andy the Apple, Felix the Fish, Margret the Mole and Melody the Moon.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Andy's Apple Farm
      • 1.1.1 Chapter 1
      • 1.1.2 Christmas Special
      • 1.1.3 Chapter 2
  • 2 Personality
    • 2.1 Arthur King
    • 2.2 Claus the Clock
  • 3 Appearance
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 External Links
  • 8 Navigation


Arthur was born on July 26, 1950. Not much of his early life is known, but he was likely best friends with Thomas for a long time.

After Thomas had separated with his wife and daughter, Arthur would check in with the broken family when Thomas requested for him to check on his family. Arthur, however, slowly started to become a part of the Eastwood Family, even celebrating Christmas with them. It is revealed he had love affairs with Kamryn, frequently sleeping with her. Thomas found this out and became extremely insecure.

On December 24th, 1982, Arthur had returned from the store to find that the house Kamryn and Isabella resided in, had burnt down. Thomas, who had arrived to deliver a gift to Isabella, believed that Arthur was behind their deaths. Arthur was axed to death by Thomas, who was under the influence of an evil entity. Thomas then felt remorse over killing him and dragged his body to his computer, where the hand of the Evil Entity would drag his body into the screen, which placed Arthur's soul in Andy's Apple Farm as the Entity would trick Thomas into believing this would revive him when instead it would just torture his soul..

In his news report, it was presumed he died in the house fire alongside Kamyrn.

Andy's Apple Farm[]

Chapter 1[]

Arthur appears as Claus the clock, who steals Andy's keys to force him to play minigames with the other characters.

Claus's minigame is after Melody's and he plays I-Spy with Andy. If the player moves their cursor offscreen, Claus says he sees something "deceased" backwards and glitches out, remembering the time Thomas confronted him about getting to close to Kamryn.

If the player plays normally, on the 4th round, he asks Andy to point at something "dangerous" and flashes back to his death as Arthur, when Andy clicks on the axe. Claus then nonchalantly gives Andy a bonus sticker.

After Andy earns all of the bonus stickers, him and his friends send Andy into the ban, locking him in and also hoping that he'll be killed by an evil entity named Peter the Pumpkin.

Christmas Special[]

Claus and friends come to Andy's house to celebrate Christmas, where Claus brings presents. After Andy help's everybody around the house, they open their presents, with Claus retrieving a clock. They then encourage Andy to open his present, which is revealed to be a horrifying, mutilated head. Claus and the others then disappear, leaving Andy to get chased by Peter again.

Chapter 2[]

He is set to appear in this along with everybody else.


Arthur King[]

Arthur was shown to be a very close and supportive friend of Thomas. He was also not the perfect friend, however, as he would get to close to Thomas's family after he was unable to take care of them. It is unknown if he was purposefully replacing Thomas as the head of the family or not, but it is shown that he would celebrate Christmas with them and slept with Kamryn. After accidentally the death of the Kamryn, Arthur felt immense guilt and fear.

Claus the Clock[]

Claus appears to be a rather refined and intelligent individual, as evidenced by his formal tone, way of speaking, and his stated ability to play chess. His demeanor is one of calmness and confidence; he's not one to lose his cool easily. Going along with his formality, he comes off as well-mannered. However, with his ironic and uncomfortable offering of an apple to Andy, it's difficult to determine if this is only to an extent or if just in that moment, he simply did not realize the immorality of his question.

Underneath Claus' easygoing nature, he is actually shown to be very spiteful towards Andy, possibly due to the entity's control. It is unknown how much he control he has over his actions, but he is particularly cruel to Andy while maintaining his cheery facade. He steals the keys to his house in the hopes that he gets slaughtered by The Entity. In the Valentine's Special, he reminds Andy that nobody loves him, even if it's a joke. It is possible that he holds onto his premarital attraction to Kamryn as he asks Margret to explore alone with him when the group enters a haunted house. He also bring Andy Kamryn's corpse for Christmas. Like Andy and the others, he occasionally glitches out and shows his true tormented self.


Arthur was a middle-aged man with short brown hair. In flashbacks, he was shown to be wearing a lavender shirt with blue pants. He is stated to be handsome, given women are naturally attracted to him.

Claus possesses a tall stature, a thin build, and his head is that of a clock's. Both of the clock hands are slanted downward to look a pair of eyebrows and meet at the center of his face, where his round, magenta nose is. His eyes are colored orange and his outfit consists of a matching in color. He wears a buttoned up suit jacket with a big magenta bowtie, a white shirt underneath, magenta pants, and black shoes. His hands are also covered by plain white gloves.


I spy with my little eye... something DESAECED
~ Claus glitching out at the end of his minigame (note: "Deceased" backwards)
Thomas: Hey... Arthur?
Arthur: Yeah man, what's up?
Thomas: Have you been checking up on them like you said?
Arthur: Of course
Thomas: Well, how are they doing?
Arthur: They're doing great, they're just getting ready for Christmas.
Thomas: I miss Christmas, it was always his favorite... Well, anyway.. you haven't been hanging too close to Kamryn, right?
Arthur: Of course not! Why would you think that!?
Thomas: You know me, I worry too much. I wouldn't want to be best friends with a liar right? You're not a liar right? Y O U ' R E N O T A L I A R R I G H T?
~ Thomas to Arthur about his family before killing him
~ Thomas believing Arthur killed his family.
+ H 0 M 4 $ , P l 3 4 $ 3 , 1 ' M $ O R R Y
~ Arthur apologizing to Thomas in an easter egg.
I've got a clock, now I'll finally be able to tell the time!
~ Claus the Clock opening his presents


Arthur King (3)

Claus's overworld sprite

Arthur's face in Chapter 1

Arthur King (5)

Thomas and Arthur at the diner

Arthur King (6)

Thomas blames Arthur for his family disappearing

Arthur King (7)

Andy chasing Claus.

Arthur King (8)

Thomas killing Arthur.

Arthur King (9)

Thomas revies Arthur

Arthur King (10)

Claus with his friends

Arthur King (11)

Andy and Claus on M36Games' Twitter


  • Like other characters in the game, Claus was created by Louis Eastwood.
  • Claus's suit design is completely inspired by that of King Dice from Cuphead, barring the tailcoat.

External Links[]


Arthur King (12) Villains

Eastwood Family
Kamryn Eastwood |Louis Eastwood |Thomas Eastwood

Andy's Apple Farm Characters
Peter the Pumpkin |Claus the Clock |Felix the Fish |Margret the Mole |Melody the Moon

Mushroom Kingdom
Infected Knight

Arthur King (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.