Threaded Needle God Roll – Destiny 2 - Guide Stash (2024)

Threaded Needle God Roll – Destiny 2 - Guide Stash (1)

This Linear Fusion Rifle will thread the needle in Destiny 2. Here are the recommended perks to look out for,

This Legendary Linear Fusion Rifle has made its debut in Season of the Chosen in Destiny 2. This Power weapon can pack a powerful punch with the right perks. This guide will tell you the recommended PvE and PvP perks for the Threaded Needle god roll in Destiny 2.

Threaded Needle God Roll – PVE

Threaded Needle God Roll – Destiny 2 - Guide Stash (2)


Linear Fusion Rifles have certainly made an impact in the world of Destiny 2. One place they have made an impact is PvE since Banshee-44 loves to give daily bounties involving them. Below are the recommended PvE perks:

PvE Perk Slot 1

Threaded Needled has low Handling and Stability, so you will want a perk that increases those two areas.

  • Arrowhead Break: +10 Handling and +30 Recoil
  • Corkscrew Rifling: +5 Range, +5 Stability, and +5 Handling
  • Fluted Barrel: +5 Stability and +15 Handling

PvE Perk Slot 2

Increased Magazine Size may be the way to go. Since Threaded Needle is a powerful weapon, you will want to have all the ammo available.

  • Enhanced Battery: +20 Magazine
  • Ionized Battery: +40 Magazine and -20 Reload Speed
  • Liquid Coils: +10 Impact and -10 Charge Time

PvE Perk Slot 3

I honestly like any of these three perks. Anything that makes reloading less of an issue is a plus for Linear Fusion Rifles.

  • Clown Cartridge: Reloading this weapon randomly overfills it from reserves
  • Rapid Hit: Rapid: Precision hits temporarily increase stability and reload speed
  • Auto-Loading Holster: The holstered weapon is automatically reloaded after a short period of time

PvE Perk Slot 4

Demolitionist is what you will be looking for. Getting kills grants grenade energy, and using your grenade will reload the weapon.

  • Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves
  • Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active
  • Dragonfly: Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion

Threaded Needle God Roll – PvP

Threaded Needle God Roll – Destiny 2 - Guide Stash (3)


Linear Fusion Rifles aren’t used that often in PvP right now, but to each their own. Here’s what you should be looking for:

PvP Perk Slot 1

Putting Range in between yourself and any opposing guardian is going to be key in PvP.

  • Hammer-Forged Rifling: +10 Range
  • Arrowhead Break: +10 Handling and +30 Recoil
  • Corkscrew Rifling: +5 Range, +5 Stability, and +5 Handling

PvP Perk Slot 2

Increasing Range is not a bad idea in PvP, but so is decreasing the amount of Charge Time this weapon requires. Your pick here, but we’ll take Range.

  • Accelerated Coil: +10 Charge Time and -10 Impact
  • Projection Fuse: +10 Range

PvP Perk Slot 3

Delivering the final blow is what you’re aiming for here and doing that will help you out a lot.

  • Rangefinder: Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification
  • Killing Wind: Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration

PvP Perk Slot 4

Once again, Demolitionist will be your go to perk as Dragonfly is not even on the radar here.

  • Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves
  • Dragonfly: Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion

Threaded Needle will be a great Power weapon to have once you have the perks you want. Consider leaving it at home in PvP and focusing on the PvE god roll. A big thanks to for all listed perks available. Be sure to check out the Brass Attacks god roll guide and more in our Destiny 2 archives.

Threaded Needle God Roll – Destiny 2 - Guide Stash (2024)
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